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Assembling floor panels

Correctly and sturdily assembled floor panels create comfortable and functional living spaces. Whether it’s a single or multi-story structure, the assembly of floor panels involves meticulous attention to detail, ensuring they provide structural integrity and sound- and thermal insulation.

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Gluing subfloor boards


Installing parquets


Sealing framework connecting joints


Bonding framework connecting joints

Gluing subfloor boards

In addition to fastening with screws it is also recommended to glue the subfloor boards. The best option is to use an adhesive that withstands load and has a quick and durable connection.


    Installing parquets

    When installing a parquet, it is important to use an adhesive that has excellent elasticity and great noise-reducing properties. In addition, the parquet adhesive needs to be heavy wear resistant and withstand heavy loads such as large items of furniture.


      Sealing framework connecting joints

      An elastic, airtight and windproof floor and framework connection can be achieved by using our specialty sealants and adhesives.


        Bonding framework connecting joints

        A rigid and heavy-load-resistant floor and wall panel connection can be achieved by using our special adhesives in addition to fixing mechanically.
