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Renewable Energy

Our goal is to transition to 100% green energy by 2030.

Today, Penosil production uses 100% renewable electricity.

  • Electricity makes up 70-75% of our energy consumption.
  • At our factories and offices in Tallinn and Barcelona, we are using 100% green electricity derived from solar and wind power.
  • As electricity forms the biggest part of our energy consumption, between 2018 and 2019 we replaced all of our lighting with LED lightbulbs, which in return reduced our electricity consumption by 18%.
  • Gas forms about 25-30% of our energy consumption. Our goal is to transition to green gas by 2030.
  • We also took a significant step towards energy efficiency when, about five years ago, we modernised the heating systems at our Tallinn facilities, which led to a remarkable 40% reduction in our CO2 emissions.