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Waste Management

Our goal is to reduce, reuse, recycle and recover our waste by 50% by 2030.

  • We constantly reduce the environmental impact of our products by substituting hazardous chemicals with non-hazardous ones. This way we reduce the quantity of our hazardous waste.
  • One way to reduce packaging waste is to increase the packaging size. Many of Penosil’s products come in multiple packaging options.
  • Besides 300ml cartridges, we also produce many of our sealants in 600ml foil packages.
  • The 600ml foil package saves 75% in packaging waste compared to cartridges.
  • Cement-based products are a significant CO2 producer. At Penosil, we have developed multiple foam adhesives that can be used instead of cement-based products.

A 1L can of foam adhesive equals 25kg of cement, which reduces the transportation carbon footprint.


Our factories recycle all of their production waste. Majority of our waste is recycled by our external partners in their facilities. However, we are also constantly developing new methods to recycle more waste in-house.

  • We are continuously optimising our sealants’ production processes. For example, we have decreased the amount of leftover raw materials by reusing them in other product formulas.
  • Also, we are actively looking ways to reuse our cured silicone and hybrid waste. For example, in collaboration with universities we are exploring ways how to use cured silicone and hybrid waste as raw material for other applications such as road construction, asphalt or concrete production.

Since 2021, we have used 100% of our in-house plastic production leftovers to produce Penosil tools and plastic components.

  • For example, Penosil’s patented spatula is produced using our plastic waste.

  • At the moment, we are also testing the use of PCR plastic in our foam adapter and straw production.