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One of the main advantages of neutral silicone is its durability. Penosil Greenhouse Silicone 393 is resistant to weathering, UV light, and extreme temperatures. This makes it ideal for use in outdoor applications, as it won’t crack or become brittle over time.
Another advantage of neutral silicone is its flexibility. Penosil Greenhouse Silicone remains flexible, even in extreme temperatures. This makes it ideal for use in joints that experience movement, such as greenhouse glass panels. Neutral silicone also provides a permanent, watertight seal, which is essential for preventing water damage in the structure.
Neutral silicone is also very versatile. It does not corrode metal surfaces and has excellent adhesive properties, making it ideal for bonding to various surfaces, including glass, aluminium, metals, plastic, painted surfaces, masonry, etc.
Penosil Greenhouse Silicone can be used in a variety of applications, including:
Neutral silicone is the preferred sealant for a variety of reasons, including its durability, flexibility, and ability to provide a permanent, watertight seal. Penosil Greenhouse Silicone 393 is also resistant to environmental factors and has excellent adhesive properties. When compared to other types of sealants, neutral silicone offers the best solution for exterior and interior applications.
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