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Penosil experts recommend using polyurethane adhesive foams for mounting exterior and interior insulation and decorative boards. Compared to traditional methods, adhesive foams make mounting insulation and decorative boards faster, easier and cleaner.
Penosil experts have prepared some tips that, if followed correctly, allow you to achieve a higher-quality and long-lasting result when working with adhesive foams.
After applying the foam adhesive to the board, wait 2 to 3 minutes and press the board to the wall. The board can be adjusted during the next 5 min.
With one aerosol can 10m2 of wall surface can be covered with insulation boards.
After you finish working, use Penosil Foam Cleaner to clean tools and surfaces from uncured foam. Next, use Penosil Cleaning Wipes to clean hands and clothes from uncured adhesive foam.
Check out also Penosil expert’s tips on other topics:9 tips on how to achieve high-quality results when working with polyurethane foamHow to choose the right sanitary sealant?How to apply or change sanitary sealant correctly?
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