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PENOSIL Elastic Gunfoam 198 is a one-component PU gun foam for installation works and sealing of pressure sensitive, movable joints and penetrations.
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Aerosol can 1000 ml, content 800 ml 12 pcs per box
Surfaces must be clean from dust, loose particles, ice and oil stains. Moisten dry surfaces with water mist (only at temperatures above zero) to ensure a faster curing time and better end results.
Shake the can vigorously at least 20 times. Hold the foam can in an upright position with the valve up. Hold the foam can adapter in place with your fingers while screwing the gun onto the can. Hold the can upside down when extruding the foam. Foam output can be adjusted with a gun trigger and adjustment screw.
Fill the joints up to approx. 70%. In the case of larger joints, apply foam in several layers and moisten slightly between each layer. Excess foam can be cut off after it has fully cured.
Do not aim the gun at people. Avoid screwing the gun onto the can with the valve upside down. Do not bend or turn the can during screwing.
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