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PENOSIL AquaBrake Fiber 640 is a fibre-reinforced mastic for hydro insulating walls and floors in wet and humid areas before tiling. After drying forms an elastic and waterproof layer. Suitable for heated floors.
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1 l / 5 l / 10 l bucket
Open the bucket and stir the mixture before use. Apply the mastic with a paint brush or a roller.
Apply the product in two layers. When applying the next layer, if possible, make the brush strokes in a different direction than previously. This will reinforce the mastic’s structure.
For the mesh tape application in the corners, around floor traps and penetrations use a putty trowel.
Hydro insulating walls: Start by applying the mastic to joints, corners, connecting points, cracks, screw holes and around wall penetrations.
Then add on top of the fresh mastic:
Then cover all the mesh tapes with mastic. Make sure the mesh tapes are well immersed in the mastic. Finally, use a roller to apply the mastic over the entire wall surface.
The mastic is dry when it changes colour (this takes approx. 2h). After it has dried, a second layer can be applied (crosswise to the first layer).
Hydro insulating floors: Start by applying the mastic to joints, corners, connecting points, cracks, screw holes, floor penetrations and around floor traps. Then add on top of the fresh mastic:
Then cover all the mesh tapes with mastic. Make sure the mesh tapes are well immersed in the mastic. Finally, use a roller to apply the mastic over the entire floor surface.
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