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PENOSIL Window Tape Internal 420 is an airtight tape for moisture-proofing internal window, door and wall joints. Covered on one side with two adhesive strips and on the other side with an acrylic adhesive strip.
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70 mm wide, 25 m roll, 1 roll per box 100 mm wide, 25 m roll, 1 roll per box 150 mm wide, 25 m roll, 1 roll per box
Cut the tape into desirable length. If the tape will be installed in several pieces, account an extra 5cm of tape for the overlapping joints.
Remove the protective film from the acrylic adhesive strip and starting from the lower part of the frame, glue the tape along the entire perimeter of the frame.
If the window is installed flush with the wall, leave one tape width in reserve in the corners.
If it is installed inwards, leave half tape width in reserve.
Install the window or door and fill the joint with elastic foam. After it has fully cured, cut the excess foam.
Remove the protective film and press the adhesive side of the tape firmly on the window casing. Pay attention to folding the corners correctly. For an optimal adhesive bond, use a pressure roller.
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