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When insulating a façade with EPS or XPS panels, using foam adhesive instead of traditional mortar is easier, faster, cleaner and cheaper.
Filling gaps and cracks in the external side of insulation (at least 50mm) with a PU-foam (λ=0.034W/(mK)) reduces the additional heat loss caused by gaps and cracks by about 200%.
Adhering EPS and XPS panels and filling the gaps
Sealing joints in grainy finished surfaces
The fastest way of adhering EPS and XPS panels to the wall is to use a special foam adhesive with low post-expansion and curing pressure. The same foam adhesive is also perfect for filling the gaps between the panels. Since the panels must be installed as close to each other as possible, the joints between the panels are very narrow, but all these narrow gaps must be insulated to avoid thermal bridges. In order to completely fill these cracks, Penosil has added special EasyGun straw to the foam adhesive, and for professional use we also offer a foam gun with a special thin nozzle.
Penosil SpeedFix Construction 878 – foam adhesive for adhering EPS and XPS panels to the wall and filling the gaps between the panels.
Penosil Polystyrol FixFoam 877 – foam adhesive for insulation boards
Penosil FoamGun F1 – professional foam gun
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Regular sealants with a smooth surface may look strange in a stucco joint, so that is where a special grainy sealant is useful. In addition to sandy surface, the sealant is also resistant to UV, weather and ageing, and can be painted.
Penosil Grainy Acrylic 655 – flexible acrylic sealant with grainy structure for filling joints and cracks in stucco surfaces.
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