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PVC windows offer excellent insulation properties, low maintenance requirements, and a wide range of design options, making them a popular choice for both residential and commercial buildings. To ensure PVC windows’ airtightness, it is important to seal and fill windows with products that have high elasticity and excellent sound- and thermal insulation values. The products for window production can be found here.
Sealing joints between glass unit and frame
Adhering thermal profiles
Lifting up the thermal profiles
To guarantee a window’s airtightness, vandal-resistant and sound-insulation properties, it is important to seal all gaps and joints in the window frame. Prior testing should be conducted to confirm compatibility between the window-sealing product and the sealants used in the insulated glass unit, as well as its adherence to the window frame.
Glazing Silicone 330
General Silicone 339/339c
To adhere the thermal profile to the window frame, it is recommended to use elastic hybrid adhesives which guarantee a long-lasting, weatherproof and flexible bond.
SpeedFix Seal&Bond 700
SpeedFix High Tack 707
Sometimes it is necessary to raise the window, for example for windowsill installation or when installing windows on the floor where the floor structure is too thick. In order to reduce the cold bridges, thermal profiles are often used to raise the windows.
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