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All the materials presented on the PENOSIL website are based on actual user experiences and accurate measurement results. Construction is a serious field, where the information that is circulating must also have practical value! That is why we opened the new Knowledge Center, where collected product descriptions and construction solutions – together with comprehensive architectural drawings, calculators, video tutorials, instructions and educational articles – make everyone a master! On our website you will find answers to all of your questions concerning construction and renovation work, whether it is information about the correct use of products, consumption rates, technical drawings for solutions, or documentation. Navigating the site is convenient and easy, regardless of whether you prefer to find information based on the product, application area or solution.The new My list feature allows you to save products of interest by sending them directly to your supplier, in the form of an order, or to print it out as a wish list. Should you have any questions about a product or solution, you can ask our specialists for real-time help via the chatbox located at the bottom right of your screen. Before asking a question, take a look at our popular FAQ section, which contains a collection of the most frequently asked questions along with comprehensive answers.We hope you find everything you need to successfully use PENOSIL products on our new website!
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