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PENOSIL SpeedFix Chemical Anchor 595 is a chemical anchor with very high bonding strenght and vinylester injection system.
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300 ml cartridge 12 pcs per box
Drill a hole in the substrate to the required embedment depth by using appropriate size carbide drill bit. Just before setting an anchor, the bore hole must be cleaned properly.
Cleaning with the manual pump: The manual pump shall be used for blowing out boreholes up to diameters do ≤24mm and embedment depths up to hef ≤10d. Blow out at least 4 times from the back of the bore hole, using an extension if needed. Brush 4 times with the specified brush (size in TDS) by inserting the steel brush to the back of the hole (if needed with an extension) in a twisting motion and removing it. Blow out again with manual pump at least 4 times.
Cleaning with the compressed air (CAC): Blow 2 times from the back of the hole (if needed with a nozzle extension) over the whole length with oil-free compressed air (min. 6 bar at 6 m³/h). Brush 2 times with the specified brush (size in TDS) by inserting the steel brush to the back of the hole (if needed with an extension) in a twisting motion and removing it. Blow out again with compressed air at least 2 times.
Remove the threaded cap from the cartridge. Tightly attach the mixing nozzle. Do not modify the mixer in any way. Make sure the mixing element is inside the mixer. Only use the supplied mixer.
Insert the cartridge into the dispenser gun. Discard the initial trigger pulls of adhesive. Discard the first 12 ml of resin. Please note that after every subsequent mixer change, an initial 12 ml of resin should be extruded to waste to continue with even mixing.
Inject the adhesive starting at the back of the hole, slowly withdrawing the mixer with each trigger pull. Fill holes approximately 2/3 full, to ensure that the annular gap between the anchor and the concrete is completely filled with adhesive along the embedment depth. Before use, verify that the threaded rod is dry and free of contaminants. Install the threaded rod to the required embedment depth during the open gel time Tgel has elapsed. The working time Tgel is given in product TDS. The anchor can be loaded after the required curing time Tcure. The applied torque shall not exceed the values Tmax given in product TDS.
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