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In the construction of modular units, the rigidity, fire resistance and air-tightness of the modules are important. A selection of suitable sealants and adhesives for ceiling panel assembly can be found below.
Gluing OSB-, plywood- and chipboards to the wooden frame
Gluing the temporary protective membrane
Gluing vapour barrier film to the frame
Gluing construction boards to framework
Improving a structure's fire resistance
To improve the module’s rigidity, in addition to fastening with screws it is also recommended to glue the OSB boards to the wooden frame. This not only makes the structure more rigid but also helps to prevent the appearance of cracks and improves the structure’s sound- and thermal insulation.
WoodFix PVA D3 647
SpeedFix Construction 878
Subfloor Adhesive 850
It is important to protect the modules from various weather conditions during storage, transportation, and on-site installation. In the Penosil range, there are various adhesives that are suitable for gluing the weather protection membrane to the temporary roof. Adhesion should be tested with different types of membranes before product selection.
SpeedFix Seal&Bond 700
In the construction world, there are not many products that are suitable for gluing PE foil. This acrylic adhesive provides sufficient adhesion for PE foil gluing. However, it must be noted that the adhesives between the two foil layers will cure very slowly.
MembraneFix 629
To improve the module’s rigidity, in addition to fastening with screws it is recommended to also glue the construction boards to the module’s framework. This not only makes the structure more rigid but also helps to prevent the appearance of cracks and improves the structure’s sound- and thermal insulation.
Wooden structures need to be as fireproof as possible. The fire-resistant construction boards protect the wooden structure from the inside. In order to increase the structure’s fire resistance, the corner joint under the two construction boards should be filled with fire-proof sealant.
FireStop Acrylic 618
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