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Concrete floor

Concrete flooring can either be used as the final flooring layer or be covered with flooring material (e.g., carpet, tiles, etc.). A concrete floor with special treatment and finishing is also an option in modern home interiors. Here, we focus on the most common concrete floors – concrete floors with shrinkage joints. These floors are commonly used for basements, garages, warehouses, patios, and utility areas. Such flooring is durable, long-lasting, and easy to clean and maintain.

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Backing the joint


Sealing shrinkage joints in concrete floors


Increasing the wear resistance of concrete floors, making them dust-repellent and resistant to the effect of chemicals

Backing the joint

To ensure proper sealant size and shape in the joint and to avoid triple adhesion, a backer rod must be used.

Backer Rod PE 450 – round backer rod with closed cell structure. Highly flexible and compressible for easy installation.

Backer Rod PE 450

Sealing shrinkage joints in concrete floors

For long-lasting sealing of shrinkage joints, a sealant with high elasticity and modulus must be used. Excellent adhesion to most surfaces and no shrinkage during curing are also advantages to look for.

Floor Joint Hybrid 25HM – very durable, environmentally friendly sealant for sealing shrinkage joints in concrete floors.

Floor Joint Hybrid 25HM

Increasing the wear resistance of concrete floors, making them dust-repellent and resistant to the effect of chemicals

Concrete is a dusty and porous material that needs special treatment to become dust-free and resistant to the effects of water, oil and chemicals (alkalis and acids).

DustProofer 612 – chemical reinforcement and dust-proofing agent that preserves the breathability of concrete.

DustProofer 612

Architectural drawings