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Soft floor covering materials, sold in big rolls, are often the best choice. Natural linoleum is suitable for children and people with allergies, while vinyl and PVC are durable and water-resistant, making them practical in kitchens and public spaces. Roll materials can be installed quite quickly and easily. Here are some suitable products and tips.
Improving the bond and wear-resistance of floor bases
Leveling the subfloor
Adhering coverings like cork, linoleum, felt, vinyl, PVC or carpet to floor bases
Adhering the skirting boards durably and quickly
Concrete, plaster, wood, brick and other porous materials need to be treated to ensure good wear-resistance and bonding with parquet.
BetPrimer 603 – bonding dispersion for priming floor base.
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Since the subfloor must be straight and smooth under a carpet or other soft covering, a leveling compound must be used to finish the subfloor.
To achieve a strong immediate bond with different materials, whether even, smooth, or non-absorbing, a special adhesive must be used.
Floor&Wall UniversalFix 619 – adhesive for different floor coverings, such as cork, linoleum, felt, vinyl, PVC or carpet.
This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.
Adhering skirting boards needs a strong and reliable adhesive with fast initial tack.
SpeedFix All Interior 697 – acrylic adhesive with excellent initial bonding for use indoors. Dries quickly without shrinking, odour or hazardous compounds, ensuring simple, quick and safe use.
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