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Solar energy represents a renewable energy resource that is both clean and environmentally friendly. It plays a significant role in promoting environmental sustainability and achieving energy independence. The continuous advancements in the field of solar technologies are expected to further expand the use of sustainable energy in the future. Within the Penosil product range, we offer a variety of products suitable for the production of solar panels.
Sealing frames
Gluing junction boxes
Sealing a solar panel frame with sealant is a crucial step in ensuring the longevity and effectiveness of the solar installation. By applying silicone sealant around the panel frame it creates a watertight connection. Penosil’s sealants are durable and specially designed for outdoor use with excellent weather- and UV-proof properties.
Glazing Silicone 330
HighTemp Neutral Silicone +300°C
General Silicone 339/339c
Gluing junction boxes onto solar panels is a crucial step in the assembly process, ensuring a secure and weather-resistant connection. The adhesive sealant used for this purpose should be selected with care, as it needs to withstand different weather conditions and maintain the integrity of the electrical connections over the lifespan of the solar panel system.
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