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The durability and quality of our products is one of our top priorities.
What makes Penosil products durable?
If PU foam is applied correctly and under the right conditions, it can maintain its insulating properties for many years.
The main threat to PU foam’s durability is UV rays. To guarantee PU foam’s longevity, we always recommend covering cured PU foam with an opaque material such as paint, plaster, etc. If left exposed, UV rays can damage the foam’s structure, causing it to lose its insulative properties.
Just like PU foam’s structure is affected by UV rays, sealants are sensitive to high levels of humidity. Despite having sealants with added fungicides in our product range, even the most effective mould resistant sealant can develop over time mould growth in a poorly ventilated area.
To ensure that your sealed surfaces last for a long time, it’s important to:
Properly insulated and sealed structures have lower renovation, heating and cooling expenses for many years to come.
Sustainable Components
Renewable Energy
Safer Living Environment
Waste Management
Invisible but everywhere
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