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We want you to enjoy a better and safer living environment.
Therefore, we:
Constantly improve our existing formulas.
Develop new products with low-VOC content and safer raw materials.
Look for the following certificates on product labels:
In 2020, 14% of Penosil products had EC1+ certifications.
In 2023, 52% of Penosil products had EC1+ certifications.
In the next few years, more than 70% of Penosil products should have low-VOC certifications.
In the past five years we have developed numerous solvent-free and water-based adhesives, sealants and fillers. In addition, many of our oxime silicones are available MEKO-free.
Look for the zero MEKO certificate on the product label
Look for the Safe Choice stamp on our Low and No MDI PU foams
Growing number of our PU foams come with a very low diisocyanate monomer content (<0.1%) or are MDI free.
Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) is a type of chemical used in the production of PU materials.
During foam application the MDI content in the foam might cause skin and throat irritation.
Low and No MDI PU foams offer a safer alternative to regular PU foams by minimising the risk of exposure to harmful chemicals, improving occupational safety, reducing environmental impact, and ensuring compliance with regulations.
Our new PU foam factory in Spain will be the leading European facility of Low MDI and No MDI PU foams. We are the first European manufacturer to offer a complete set of Low and No MDI PU foam products to its customers.
In Penosil portfolio we have currently following Low and No MDI foams:
We will soon complete our offer with low-MDI foams, featuring B2 gun foam, B2 spray foam, and foam adhesive.
Sustainable Components
Renewable Energy
Waste Management
Invisible but everywhere
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