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In the construction of modular houses, the rigidity, durability and airtightness of the elements are very important. Penosil offers a range of products for airtight wall panel assembly.
Gluing together construction boards
Gluing construction boards to the framework
Gluing plasterboards
Sealing vapour membrane overlays
Priming before windproofing
Sealing and windproofing
To ensure the module’s rigidity and to reduce the risk of cracks appearing, the construction boards should be glued together in addition to fastening with screws.
WoodFix PVA D3 647
Subfloor Adhesive 850
SpeedFix Construction 878
To improve the module’s rigidity, in addition to fastening with screws, it is also recommended to glue the construction boards to the module’s framework.
To ensure the module’s rigidity and to reduce the risk of cracks appearing, the plasterboards should be glued to the subsurface in addition to fastening with screws.
To improve the structures air tightness, it is recommended to glue the edges of the vapor barrier film to the porous surfaces. The glue allows also the film to be attached to the wooden frame without piercing the film and reducing its air tightness properties. When gluing vapor barrier overlays, it should be considered that the glue dries significantly longer between two water vapor-tight layers. Tapes can be also used for sealing the membrane overlays if necessary.
MembraneFix 629
To improve the adhesion of wind barrier membrane tapes, it is recommended to prime the surfaces first.
Prime&Fix 900
Taping the overlapping membrane edges helps to protect the building´s structure and increases its wind resistance.
Wind Proof Full Glue Tape External 414
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